Education, Motivation & Classroom Management


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Make it Fun! Power of Fun in Education

Student who find the lessons in school boring will tend to skip classes, also teachers who are boring can turn them off.

What we can do is to probably add in the element of fun into our lesson planning. Help them correlate between fun & study. In this way it will helps to

1. Alleviate stress, both on the teacher and student,
2. Improve communication between teachers and student,
3. Ease conflict
4. Eliminates boredom

Enjoyable and fun-filled environment helps to motivate our student to perform better. Games, quizes, debates, music, songs, singing, jokes, puzzles and etc.. anything you can think of. Recognize the power of fun! It unites, creates pleasure and can makes a big difference in your class.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Information Manipulation Theory

Came across this interesting info from which we teachers will face in our dealing with our students.

In order to persuade or deceive, a person deliberately breaks one of the four conversational maxims:

Quantity: Information given will be full (as per expected by the listener) and without omission.
Quality: information given will be truthful and correct.
Relation: information will be relevant to the subject matter of the conversation in hand.
Manner: things will be presented in a way that enables others to understand and with aligned non-verbal language.

A student is late handing in an essay. They approach the lecture trembling and weeping, saying how they have just been dumped by their long-term partner and forgot to hand in the essay (they had done it in time, honestly!).

Using it
Persuade by omitting information, telling untruths, going off the subject and confusing the other person. Use excuses. Be economical with the truth. Woffle.

Question what you are told, especially you find yourself changing your mind as a result. Probe for detail. Seek corroborating evidence. Watch the body language.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Scholarship Information

Need a place to find what are the scholarship available around? I have just started a new blog!! Hopefully, you will be able to find anything under the sun about local and international scholarship here.

I will try to search and update the blog on all the scholarships available in town. So this blog can be your one stop search for all the scholarships information and the links to the organisation that offers them!

View my new blog: Click here